Wine to Water

Day 5
July, 3rd, 2017
I walked to a neighborhood bar, Water to Wine, tonight to meet my two friends from work, Kathy and Diane. MJ and my son J pass me on their bike riding to Moe's to eat dinner. Isn't ironic that I am walking to a bar tonight to drink water at a wine bar.
I can go out and not order wine. That is not a problem. The problem is knowing that I might never get to order it again--never get to taste it again. But that is too much to think about right now. I am just going to focus on one day at a time, one step at a time.
I met my friends at the bar, and we began catching up. Kathy, is like a mother to me. We work together at school. And Diane is a teacher's aid at our school. She is a friend, and she is also frequently in the library where we work, reshelving and putting books back in order after the kids put them back in the wrong place, which is inevitable in an elementary school.
The water came to take our drink order. He asked me what I would like. My eyes fell on the extensive wine list with reds, whites, and sparkling wine choices, and I said, "I'll have the water. P, and I ordered a soda water with lime. He looked at me quizzically, and brought me a soda water with a plate of of sliced lime, I squeezed a few slices of lime into the water and took a sip. And it was good.
In John chapter 2, Jesus turns water to wine at a wedding celebration when the wine had run out. The master of the banquet said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you saved the best till now." John 2:10.
I feel like I am one of the guests at that wedding party, and I am out of wine. I am drinking from a cup of cold water, and it is better than wine. He did save the best for last. I can live with this. I can live like this. I will live. And I have a purpose. He saved me. And he saved the best for last. I have a story to tell. Waiter, more water please?